It’s Halloween on Sunday, October 31. For families out trick or treating on the Saturday beforehand, the last point of call is Canowindra Services Club. Between 6:30pm and 7pm parents and carers can bring their children to the Club to get lollies. There will be a prize for best dressed. Children also eat free on Saturday nights. It could make it a full night out for the family.
The Club is hosting a Halloween party that night too. “We will have numerous spooky cocktails on offer and Rach will be dressed up too,” said Club Administrative Manager Julie Fliedner. “The Club will be decorated and prizes for best dressed will be awarded on the night.”
There will be live music by young local band Cranbury Jam. Julie said it’s great news with restrictions easing, that dancing is allowed. “Vertical consumption is another restriction easing that we are happy to see allowed again,” she said.
Upcoming events worth a shout-out are the annual footy tipping party for footy tip-pers this Saturday night. Also, the upcoming Melbourne Cup day plans for Tuesday November 2. The restaurant will be open or you grab a snack platter to share. Sweep-stakes available from the bar.
The 21st Annual Daroo Business Awards will be held at the Club too, on Friday November 5.