Rose Lawson
How long have you lived in or around Canowindra and what is the best thing about living here? We moved from Sydney around 1.5 years ago. I just love the slower pace and small community of Canowindra. People seem to have more time to stop and have a chat.
Where do you work or what do you do currently and what do you enjoy about it? My husband Warren and I have opened The Blue Bowerbird. I enjoy working on trying to grow the business.
What is your favourite thing to do when you have free time? I love going on my quad bike with my pet sheep in the paddock.
What makes you proud? My family.
What is your all-time favourite movie, song and/or book, and why? I don’t have a favourite movie, I’ve seen so many good ones! Fleetwood Mac is my favourite band.
What is on your bucket list? Travel more within Australia.
What are you really good at? Playing shop and sourcing unique items.
Tell us about your best holiday ever? I loved when we went to Uluru for a friend’s wedding.
What makes your day? Making money and spending it.
Tell us an interesting fact about yourself?
I was born at Nepean Hospital and at the age of 4 I immigrated to Germany and returned to Australia at the age of 10. I had to re-learn the English language.