Stephen Brooks
How long have you lived in or around Canowindra and what do you like about living here? I have been in Canowindra for 9 years and I like the small town.
Where do you work and what do you enjoy most about your work? I own Brooks Small Engines and I like it when the mechanical wizardry starts at first attempt.
What do you do to unwind after work or on weekends? Watch TV and also get away on some weekends.
What are you really good at? Solving mechanical problems and fixing things.
What is your pet hate? Slow people on the roads who don’t have the sense to pull off to let others past.
What is on your bucket list? To visit Ayers Rock one day.
If you could have a super power what would it be and why? To know what goes on in other people’s minds in order to understand them.
Tell us about your best holiday ever? I went to New Zealand for an intimate wedding in a wine cave.
What makes your day? Having worked on a motor and it starts easily first time.
Tell us an interesting fact about yourself? During the late 70’s I met the South African Ambassador at a Mohair Conference.