Following many months of work to collate as much information as possible, the ‘Orana means Welcome – the Orana House Story’ is now printed and ready to read.
Over its life, many people have committed to maintaining this historic landmark as a home, special needs school and a community building. A true community hub not only grows the skills, but provides friendship and companionship to some of the vulnerable citizens in our community.
The building currently hosts a range of not-for-profit groups, including the Canowindra Creative Centre that runs classes such as craft, sewing, writing workshops and mosaic groups.
Acknowledgement is extended to the people who generously gave their support; many of whom still do; to keep Orana’s doors open and functioning as a place of welcome.
Special thanks to the Canowindra Lions Club and a local family with Orana connections, for contributing to the printing costs. Thank you to the many people who have contributed information and photographs to the book.
The book is available at the Canowindra Creative Centre Shop for $15. All proceeds support the Canowindra Creative Centre, whose members contribute to the running of Orana House.
Further information please contact Deb Rutter on 0487 801 767.