Improvements are being carried out on Gaskill Street in an attempt to alleviate storm
water problems which were experienced after three unusually heavy rain events during the past six months.
The work involves the installation of larger grates and lintels and will supplement clearing and cleaning work already conducted by Council. The work has also involved the use of specialist remote closed circuit television cameras. Subsequently the storm water system was completely cleaned using a water jet vacuum device and re-inspected to ensure it would function to its optimum efficiency.
The inspection showed that two kerb inlets and a section of 300mm pipe needed to be installed in Gaskill Street; a pipe culvert in Finns Lane needed to be removed, cleaned and re-laid; a new junction pit had to be constructed behind the Home and Community Care building and an existing box culvert in Gaskill Street needed to be covered. PA and CL McKenzie Builders are the contractors carrying out the job and have been hard at work all week drilling and hammering the pavements.
At its latest meeting, Council resolved to transfer more than $83,000 from its Capital Works Reserve to finance the upgrade.