Cabonne Council have asked for input from the Canowindra Business Chamber and Progress Association (CBCPA) on the addition of two additional seating benches in Canowindra. This issue has come up at a number of CBCPA meetings and Cabonne Council are now responding to the need.
The big question of course is where to locate the additional benches? There are already bench seats in front of:
• St Vinnies
• Montrose House
• The Old Vic Inn
• Garden of Roses Café has two
• Fashion on Gaskill
• Canowindra Medical Centre (Cnr Gaskill and Blatchford St)
The CBCPA are aware that some of these existing seats have been unusable due to bird droppings and Cabonne Council have been addressing this with more regular cleaning.
One notable location already suggested is in front of Dr O’Ryan’s surgery in Gaskill St, what are your thoughts on this?
Please respond via email to the CBCPA at with your top two priority locations by Tuesday 31st March so that the CBCPA can respond to Cabonne Council in a timely and orderly manner.