The Local Sport Grant Program (LSGP) aims to increase regular and on-going participation opportunities in sport in NSW. Through this program they are working towards goals to achieve:
Participation: Everyone in NSW participating in Sport and active recreation throughout their life
Places and Spaces: Everyone in NSW having access to places and spaces for sport and active recreation
Sector Sustainability: The sector continues to grow sport and active recreation across NSW. The Local Sports Grant funding is available across all electorates in NSW.
There are four project types within the Program:
1. Sport Development
2. Sport Event
3. Sport Access
4. Sport Facility
Applicants will be required to identify the type of project for which they are applying as different information is required for each project type. An organisation may apply for more than one project but must register separate projects for different project types.
To be eligible for this grant program, the applicant must be an Incorporated, not-for- profit grassroots ‘sport club’.
Maximum amounts of funding available are:
• Sport Development: $2,000
• Sport Events: $5,000
• Sport Access: $5,000
• Sport Facility: $15,000
The minimum requested amount available is $500 for all project types.
Applications opened on Monday 31st August and close on Wednesday 7th October 2020 at 5pm.