Bilyara Hostel in Cowra is a very large nursing home provided by Cowra Retirement Village that offers low care residen- tial services and provides accommodation and personal care which include help with dressing, showering and occasional nurs- ing care. The area’s sections comprise of Bilyara, which means Eaglehawk in the Wiradjuri language, Ganya Cottage, Kalyan Court, Kiah Place and Bellevue Lodge which give a ‘village-like’ feel, allowing residents to keep living life as normally and fully as possible.
Bilyara Hostel is the largest of the build- ings and has 68 bed sitting rooms, three lounge rooms, a dining room, chapel, li- brary and clinic room. The structure has two courtyards and three additional wings which extend out into the west, north and south of the main building, giving all sitting rooms outside access. The building is en- circled with a veranda and has magnificent
views of the valley. Ganya (which means home) Cottage is a 14 bed, low care, secure dementia unit modelled on the ‘Hammond’ concept of engaging residents in their daily living.
Bilyara Hostel and Ganya Cottage cur- rently have 82 approved ‘Ageing in Place’ hostel beds which is defined as the ability to live in one’s own home and community safely, independently and comfortably regardless of age, income or ability level. The service employs approximately 100 full time, part time and casual staff who care for low and high care residents. Cow- ra Retirement Village have access to 3 registered nurses for daily and on call high and low care assessments. The hostel is staffed 24 hours, have 3 staff rostered on night duty and offer a range of external service providers.
Kalyan Court, meaning ‘safe place’ in Wiradjuri, consists of 21 two bedroom and 4 one bedroom units. Residents pay a license bond as an interest free loan, a maintenance fee is charged monthly plus a half yearly non-refundable retention fee for the length of the contract. Future planning is to create further units on the proposed land purchase of the BMX track and expand the facility.
Bellevue Lodge comprises of 16 one bedroom units and eligibility is not based on assets but rather a waiting list while Kiah Place, which means ‘beautiful’ in the Wiradjuri language, is comprised of 9 two bedroom units. Again residents can pay a License Bond as an interest free loan, a maintenance fee is charged monthly plus a half yearly non-refundable retention fee for the length of the contract. Cowra Retirement Village currently have 22 home care packages available to suit all needs. For more information talk to a member of staff on 6341 1666.