The youth crime crisis is escalating across regional NSW, with the Minns Labor Government’s limited bail reforms proving unsuccessful at keeping communities safe.
Premier Chris Minns says he will extend the changes that were put in place as a temporary measure in March last year, but the Coalition is warning they don’t go far enough to prevent young criminals from reoffending or ‘posting and boasting’.
Shadow Minister for Police Paul Toole said a lack of leadership and action has led to a law and order breakdown.
“Youth violence and street crime continues to wreak havoc and it’s hard to ignore the growing chaos in NSW. The police are stretched thin and it seems the Minns Government isn’t prioritising public safety,” Mr Toole said.
“Recent incidents highlight just how out of control things are. Public spaces and homes aren’t as safe as they used to be, leaving people questioning if enough is being done to address young reoffenders racking up rap sheets similar to hardened criminals.
“Our regional communities have had a gutful. Residents tell me they are scared and crime has never been as bad as it is right now under a weak Labor Government. How many more innocent lives will be turned upside down before it gets this situation under control?
“Community safety should be the number one priority – not the criminals.”