Cabonne Council is pleased to announce that Round 1 of the Community Assistance Program (CAP) for 2024/25 is now open.
This program supports projects that help keep Cabonne’s towns and villages strong and vibrant.
CAP is a competitive program designed to support local organisations that deliver positive benefits to Cabonne residents and align with Council’s strategic goals. The program objectives are to:
• Support community groups with projects that provide ongoing or sustainable benefits to Cabonne communities.
• Improve the livability of Cabonne Shire.
Each project will be evaluated based on its merit and the benefit it will bring to the community. To be eligible, organisations must be a not-for-profit organisation and be located in Cabonne Shire Local Government Area.
Note: Projects involving the installation or upgrade of fixed assets on primary and secondary school sites are ineligible.
Organisations with strong partnerships and additional support from other sources will have a competitive edge.
Apply now and help us make Cabonne an even better place to live! Applications Open on 31 July 2024 and close at 5pm on 11 September 2024. For further information and to apply, visit: