Event organisers are invited to apply for funding to help stage events in regional NSW that enrich the state’s diverse calendar of event experiences, drive increased overnight visitation and boost local economies. Managed by Destination NSW, the fund provides support to regional events via three streams:
Incubator Event Stream: This stream supports the establishment of new events in their first or second year of operation with seed funding of up to $20,000 (ex GST) to support activities that are likely to establish an event as a driver of visitation.
Flagship Event Stream: This stream offers grants specifically to support marketing activities aimed at increasing visibility and attracting visitation to the event from outside its immediate area. Grants through the Flagship stream are only available to events that have been running for more than two years.
The Flagship Event stream offers two subcategories: Annual grant of $20,000 (ex GST) and the Triennial grant of $30,000 (ex.
GST) per annum for three years (only open to events that have successfully completed three annual Flagship grants)Applications for the Incubator and Flagship Event Streams close at 11:59pm (AEST) Sunday 6th April 2025.
Event Development Stream: This stream supports mature events that have already received the maximum funding permitted through the Flagship Event stream and can present a strategy for future growth that includes continued development of the event’s potential to drive overnight visitation.
The Event Development stream offers grants of up to $50,000 (ex GST) to support key strategic growth initiatives that will have a direct impact on increasing overnight visitation to the event.
Applications to the 2025/26 Event Development stream will remain open until 31 December 2025, or until funds are exhausted, whichever comes first.
For more information on the Regional Event Fund, visit www.destinationnsw.com.au/destination-nsw-business-support/grants-and-funding or contact the Grants Administration team via email grants.admin@dnsw.com.au