Ed Zarnow, CEO of The Lyndon Community confirmed on Friday that Lyndon House is for sale. It has been put up for sale to test the market to see what sort of prospective buyers it can attract. The facility was closed at Christmas time
and the services previously offered have been moved to Bloomfield Hospital Campus in Orange.
At the moment it is zoned as a hostel type business and could have a multitude of uses although would most likely require an investment to make it available for alternate uses.
The other option that may be considered at some stage, if a prospective buyer cannot be found is to lease the buildings to a suitable entity. Lyndon House has been located and operating in Canowindra for over 30 years, and undertook significant renovations in 2013 in relation to fire safety, however due to the buildings’ age and continual state of repairs, ongoing funding was unavailable to keep the buildings serviceable.